Success for DLRC at The TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence 2022

Published 23rd November 2022

TOPRA Award Winners

Last week DLRC had the pleasure of attending the TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence 2022. Held at the opulent One Great George Street in Westminster, London, the night is designed to celebrate achievement and inspirational work within Regulatory Affairs, as well as allowing DLRC to connect with others across the industry. DLRC is honoured to have sponsored and presented the TOPRA Support Award in addition to multiple team members achieving finalist positions and receiving awards.

TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence 2022

TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence Contribution Award

On the night, DLRC Director of Consulting Vicki Hayes PhD received the well-deserved Contribution Award. An award which “recognises regulatory professionals who have made a significant and consistent contribution to a regulatory team, a project, or to a regulatory science or to the profession” – something that Vicki regularly demonstrates.

Vicki was praised by TOPRA’s independent judging panel for being “at the forefront of new and emerging regulatory developments” – examples of this included having “negotiated problematic paediatric plans, paved the way for complex clinical trials and helped charities studying the very rarest of orphan diseases”. [1]

Vicki Hayes PhD - Contribution Award Winner

Vicki “was shell-shocked to have been nominated and even more stunned to win the Contribution Award, especially given the calibre of the other nominees (Joanne Bangs and Lada Leyens)”. She gave thanks to “Dianne Lee and Kevin Judges and the fantastic team at DLRC Regulatory Consultancy and Orphix Consulting GmbH” mentioning that “it is a privilege to work with such a talented and supportive group of people”.

TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence Inspiration Award

In addition to the Contribution Award, DLRC Principal Regulatory Consultant and Team Leader David Sudworth was the merited winner of the Inspiration Category. TOPRA’s Inspiration Award “recognises exceptional contributions by an individual in inspiring fellow regulatory professionals in the development of their regulatory career, or as an inspirational team leader in a regulatory activity or project.”

Inspiration Award winner David Sudworth

TOPRA recognised that David has “inspired colleagues to achieve their full potential with his calm and thoughtful approach. In his role, he leads complex regulatory projects as well as providing development support for a team in his care – his strong leadership skills have led teams to multiple regulatory achievements including successful filings in the US, EU and Canada”. [2]

On receiving the award David stated “it was a great surprise to be nominated and fantastic to win. The award is really a symbol of all the amazing feedback, kind words and positive responses from so many people and so it is a real privilege to receive it”.

TOPRA Award Winners

A Successful & Enjoyable Night for DLRC

Not only did DLRC take home two award wins, DLRC Senior Regulatory Executives Luis Lopez-Navas and Lauren Phin were well-deserved finalists for the TOPRA Horizon Award. A category that “recognises an outstanding ability in individuals with fewer than five years’ experience in the regulatory profession” [3]. The fitting nominations are an accurate reflection of the bright careers they have in front of them.

DLRC extends congratulations to the winners, finalists and nominees of the TOPRA Awards for Regulatory Excellence 2022. Special thanks to TOPRA for hosting the prestigious event that deservedly celebrates contributors to the life science industry.


[1] Contribution | TOPRA Awards (

[2] Inspiration | TOPRA Awards (

[3] Horizon | TOPRA Awards (


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