DLRC Receives Apprenticeship Champion Award

Published 23rd June 2023

Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion award winners DLRC

Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion award recognises employers who have a passion towards the development of future generations and offer a more ambitious range of future education paths for their employees.


DLRC Secures Herts Business Accolade

It was DLRC’s commitment to apprenticeships which caught the judges’ eye and led them to receiving the Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion award. The awards are held every year by the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce to celebrate the leading lights in the business community.


Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion award winners DLRC


Sponsored by Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd, this award recognises businesses with a strong commitment to employing and nurturing apprentices.

Briege Leahy, Chamber CEO, said: “The judges were particularly impressed with DLRC’s clear vision on training and development and how it places this at heart of their organisation.

“DLRC is also committed to building long term relationships with local education providers, schools and training organisations to create a pipeline of potential new candidates for the future.

“All of this was backed up with brilliant, real-life examples of employee success and career progression, which demonstrates a clear embedment of continuous learning supported by the apprenticeship programme.”


The Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion Award Event

The Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards were held once again at the home of Harry Potter, this year attended by some 350 guests. The awards highlight the achievements and outstanding contribution that businesses and individuals continually make to the growth of Hertfordshire.

It was an extra special evening for Briege who announced in May she is stepping down from the Chamber she has led for the past four years. She said: “It has been an absolute pleasure to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Hertfordshire’s businesses and charitable organisations with these awards.

“This year’s ceremony was as enjoyable as ever and I would like to thank everyone who entered as well as all our sponsors and supporters.”

The awards, sponsored again by Viatris and SA Law, are free to enter and, this year, the Chamber welcomed an influx of entries. The winners were announced on Thursday, June 22, during a magical awards ceremony attended by around 350 guests at Warner Bros Studios in Leavesden.


Apprenticeships at DLRC

For many years DLRC has supported employees through a range of internal and external training programmes and in 2020, we shifted our focus to include formal apprenticeships in our training offering.

Now, less than 3 years later, DLRC are proud to have 10 active apprenticeships running across a range of areas:

  • Level 7 Regulatory Affairs Specialist Apprenticeship with TOPRA and University of Hertfordshire
  • Level 6 Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) with University Centre Quayside
  • Level 7 Accounting and Taxation Professional Apprenticeship with First Intuition Cambridge
  • Level 3 Information Communication Technician Apprenticeship with QA


None of this would be possible without DLRC’s Business Transformation Manager & Training Lead, Rebecca Findlay. Rebecca joined DLRC in 2021 and is responsible for the creation, delivery and maintenance of the training and development programmes at DLRC. In addition, Rebecca works with external partners and local schools to support education programmes in our local communities.


Rebecca Findlay,
Business Transformation Manager & Training Lead and organiser for Inspiring Herts Apprenticeship Champion award

Rebecca Findlay, Business Transformation Manager & Training Lead


Rebecca has worked tirelessly to support apprenticeships, and foster an encouraging and effective environment for learning. On receiving the award, she said “I am delighted and very proud of DLRC for winning the Apprenticeship Champion Award! Apprentices are critical for our business and we have worked really hard over the last few years to try to create and maintain an environment for them to flourish and succeed. Apprenticeships allow employees to find a learning style that suits them, while we reap the rewards of developing a talented workforce that is equipped with the skills needed to drive DLRC forward. This award is testament to all our incredible apprentices in our Regulatory, Operations, Finance & IT teams”

DLRC look forward to building new and exciting partnerships with training providers as well as championing apprenticeships as incredible opportunities for growth for both the employee and business.


Are you looking for an Apprenticeship?

For those interested in apprenticeships, we are currently recruiting for a Business Transformation Apprentice. For more information, please visit our careers page.

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