Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month at DLRC: Free to Be Me

Published 10th September 2024

South Asian Heritage Month

South Asian Heritage Month took place from July 18th to August 17th, with this year’s theme “Free to Be Me.” At DLRC, diversity and inclusion are fundamental to who we are and how we work.  The theme resonated deeply with our team, reflecting the freedom to express one’s cultural identity and the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms.

To honour this theme, we formed a dedicated committee comprising team members who identify with the South Asian community. Their insights and experiences were invaluable in planning a celebration that genuinely reflected the richness of South Asian culture.



A South Asian Feast

The committee decided that a food event would be the perfect way to showcase the diverse cultures and communities that make up South Asia—a region known for its incredible culinary heritage.

Our food event became a centrepiece of the celebration, with a vibrant array of dishes representing various South Asian regions. Colleagues brought homemade specialities, sharing not just food but stories and traditions tied to their cultural backgrounds. It was a delicious journey through South Asia. Food included samosas, Bhel Puri, Ghathia, Kachori, Papdi Chaat, Dhokra, Daal, peas pulao, Jalebi, gulab jamun, Pistachio Milk Cake, ladooos, barfi’s, and Chai to drink.



Exploring South Asian Culture

But the celebration didn’t stop at food. To add to the festive atmosphere, we also embraced the lively spirit of South Asian culture with Bollywood music. The event featured a henna art station, where participants could get intricate, beautiful designs on their hands—a popular tradition during celebrations in South Asia.



One of the most interactive parts of the day was the chapati rolling activity. This hands-on experience allowed our colleagues to try rolling chapatis, a staple bread in South Asian cuisine. Laughter and friendly competition filled the room as everyone tried to perfect their technique, with some discovering newfound skills.


South Asian Heritage Month Chapati rolling


Embracing Diversity and Building Connections

The South Asian Heritage Month celebration at DLRC was more than just an event; it was a meaningful opportunity to connect, learn, and appreciate the rich diversity within our team. By coming together to celebrate South Asian heritage, we not only honoured the cultures that make up our DLRC team but also strengthened the bonds that make our workplace a more inclusive and welcoming space for everyone.

As we look forward to future celebrations, we remain committed to championing diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. South Asian Heritage Month 2024 was a reminder of the beauty of embracing our differences and celebrating the unique contributions each of us brings to the table.



Successful South Asian Heritage Month Celebrations

The South Asian Heritage Month celebration at DLRC was a resounding success. Highlighting the beauty and richness of South Asian culture while fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation among our team members. Through shared stories, delicious food, and engaging activities, we were reminded of the importance of embracing our diverse backgrounds and the unique perspectives they bring. As we continue to champion diversity and inclusion, events like these strengthen the bonds within our team. They create a more vibrant, inclusive workplace where everyone feels free to be themselves. We look forward to more opportunities to celebrate the diverse cultures that make DLRC a special workplace.


South Asian Heritage Month

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